Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby High??

My son will be 2 weeks old tomorrow.  =) It has been so amazing watching my 3 and a half year old interact with his baby brother.  I'm so glad that they will have each other to grow up with.  That was always something that I wanted for my son and that I feared would never happen during our trials with secondary infertility.

Despite the exhaustion, the messy house, and the piles of laundry, when I look at my sons together I think "Man, we could totally have another one".  Is this a "baby high" talking or do I really see myself as a mother of 3? I never saw myself with more than 2 before now.  Obviously, I am not trying to get pregnant any time soon and we will be taking preventative measures, but is already thinking about another baby normal?

I think I just have a "baby high"! What do you think?


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Baby Is HERE!

My son decided to come early and surprised us on June 13.  He was only 5 days early, but I was beginning to think he was going to be late. =) We are so happy and over joyed to have him here and in our lives.  Despite the sleep deprivation, we are all doing well and getting into the swing of being a family of 4.

I was really conscious about my weight gain this time and managed to only gain 27 pounds.  The doctor recommends no exercise for 6 weeks, so I will just be watching what I eat and not overindulging.  This will help me not gain any weight before I can start to loose any. =)  Even though, I don't have much weight to loose, I still have to get my body back into shape.  I am open to any weight loss and exercise tips you guys may have, so please send them my way.

I will be blogging about my exercise routine and skin care routine to clear the melasma on my face.  Let me know in the comments if there is anything you guys would like to know or want me to include in a post.


Monday, June 4, 2012

38 Weeks and Getting My Walk On

 I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and will be seen by the doctor again in two days.  This baby does not want to drop! At my last visit, the doctor recommend that I start walking, which I had already started.  I have now been walking consistently for 30 to 45 minutes a night for almost a week now.

With my first son, my water broke just before 39 weeks and obviously everything just happened after that.  I know I still have 2 or 3 weeks left to go but this time around it feels like it is never going to happen.

So, I have been walking.  Wishing, hoping, and praying that he will drop and I will have progressed some when I see the doctor on Wednesday.  We will see!