Friday, June 28, 2013

Pregnancy Weeks 26 and 27: Symptoms and Cravings

Hey everyone!! Today I'm recapping week 26 and 27 of my pregnancy, again where has the time gone.

I didn't want to have to recap 2 weeks together but life happens.  We put our house on the market so I spent week 26 cleaning and getting the house ready and week 27 showing the house.  I didn't have time to film an update much less right a blog post.  Things have been crazy around here.  But fortunately, they are settling down now.  We received several offers on our home and now we are under contract.  Talk about stress.  I am so stressed now about having to move just after having the baby.  But things are still in the early stages.  We might be possibly moving out of the state so that has added to the stress.

Everything has pretty much remained the same over the last 2 weeks.  I feel like the baby might have gotten a bit lower, possibly to make room to grow more.  His kicks feel lower and are in general more intense.  He is such an active little booger.  He moves around so much.  When Declan wakes up in the middle of the night, the baby is up with him.  I have a feeling that's not such a good sign for my future.  

My restless legs are finally getting some relief.  I will post all about that in a few days.  My heart burn is just plain awful.  It has literally gotten so bad this past week that it has caused me to vomit.  It has been quite miserable.  

Increased Urination
Shortness of Breath
Restless Legs


Check out this weeks video:

Thanks for checking in on me this week!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our House Is For Sale!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

So I know I've been MIA for a while over here, but I've been really trying to keep up with my other blog and both of my youtube channels.  

It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me.  We put our house on the market sort of suddenly.  I never expected to be selling my home at 7 months pregnant but here we are.  Two weeks ago or so, we found out we could possibly be moving.  We decided that it was best for us to go ahead and get our house market ready before I had progressed to far into my pregnancy. 

So after cleaning, organizing, and making our house ready to be shown it went on the market.  In less than 24 hours we had appointments set for people who were interested.  I was totally overwhelmed, because I wasn't expecting any interest so quickly.  Five days after putting our house on the market, we have accepted an offer and we are ready to move forward with our life.  

At this point, I am so happy and relieved, but at the same time I am scared for what the future holds for me and my family.  I am not one who handles change very well.  I like what I am used to and it takes me a while to warm up to the idea of new things.  I wasn't even used to the idea that my house would be on the market and now we are under contract to sell it.  Craziness!!

Once I have more information on our possible move, I will share all the details.  

A new bumpdate will be up tomorrow night!! 

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pregnancy Week 25: Symptoms and Cravings

Hey everyone!! It's that time again, time for another weekly update.  I'm recapping week 25 and seriously can not believe it.  I just checked my What to Expect app and it says that I only have 14 weeks left to go.  That is so hard for me to wrap my mind around.  Seriously, where has the time gone.

This week has been pretty crazy for me since we have decided to put our house on the market.  I know, perfect timing to do that as I'm moving into my 3rd trimester.  But it just worked out that way.  Next week starts the crazy work to get everything ready so I'm doing my best to get as much rest as possible.

I have been pretty tired this week and usually by 1 pm I've been needing  a nap.  The last day of school was this week so I am trying to get both of my boys on a schedule that will allow mommy to nap too. 

My hot foot sensation, that I previously got on my right side, is now back.  I am still dealing with the heart burn a night but it has been showing up more frequently during the day.  Zantac is my best friend these days.  I have had some lower back pain this week.  This has been more of an ache and less of the sciatic pain.  With each passing day, I am noticing that I am more out of breath than the day before.  I suppose that means the baby is getting big.  =)

Check out this weeks pregnancy vlog:

Hot foot sensation on my right side.
Lower back ache
Feeling pressure on and off, but mostly when I stand for too long.
Loads of Braxton Hicks contractions, regardless of how much water I drink or how much I rest and relax.
Feeling more exhausted.
Restless legs

The scent of anything lemon.

Total weight gain is 11 pounds.

Thank you so much for checking in with me this week!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pregnancy Week 24: Symptoms and Cravings

It's week 24's recap! I can't believe it.  I'm getting closer and closer to my 3rd trimester.  It will be here before I know it! I'm slowly but surely beginning to prepare for baby and getting more excited for his arrival with each passing day.

My restless legs are continuing to get worse and I'm beginning to experience being out of breath, a lot.   Even though I'm still in my second trimester, feeling exhausted is becoming a normal part of my afternoon.  Summer break is rapidly approaching, so I hope to get both kids down for a nap at the same time so mommy can get some extra rest.

I developed a  rash a few weeks ago and was told that it is heat rash.  I do not believe that it's heat rash because it's getting worse and it's very itchy.  It's only located on my chest but has slowly begun to move down to my tummy.  I'm going to bring it back up to my doctor again this week and hopefully get a more accurate answer as to what is going on.

I didn't gain any weight this week, so I am only up 10 pounds as of now.  The baby is moving so much and he has started to stick his feet and elbows out and we can see it.  At night he bounces around and my tummy looks like it's dancing to a mariachi band.  

Check out this weeks pregnancy vlog:

Symptoms this week:

Acid Reflux
Restless Legs
Increased Urination
Increased Exhaustion


Thanks so much for checking in with me this week!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Zoe B Orgnanic The Anti-Plastic Dishes

zoe b organic the anti-plastic dishes.  

zoe b organic was created by Valerie Lecoeur, a "green" mom.  With our children's future in mind, she set out to create products that were better for our planet.  
"Now you can serve grilled cheese and the planet at the same time" zoe b organic

Immediately these dishes appealed to my eyes.  I absolutely loved the way that they look.  I am naturally drawn to anything modern and I love the shape and bright color of each piece in the set.  

These very hip dishes are not your typical children's dishes.  These are not made of plastic.  They are uniquely made of corn and they don't contain any BPA or phthalates.  This is sure to make any mom happy.  In a day where we are looking for bottles and pacifiers to be BPA free, shouldn't we also be looking at the cups, bowls, and plates that our children drink out of and eat off of.  

My son LOVES this set of unique dish ware.  If these are clean, he wants to use them.  I appreciate that they are safe for the dishwasher.  

If you're interested in purchasing this set for your child or for an eco friendly baby gift you can do so by clicking here.  I highly recommend this mom started company.  I definitely will be needing more as my youngest is now eating table food and with the popularity of this set in my house I think I will be ordering the plate, cup, and bowl set of 3.  

I hope you all enjoyed this review. 

Thank you for reading!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pregnancy Week 23: Symptoms, Cravings, and Baby Movement

Wow! I know I have said this before, but I can't believe that I have completed week 23.  To be honest, I am excited but I am actually starting to get nervous.  With each week that passes, I grow more and more excited to meet my newest little man but I am also nervous how I am going to handle being the new mother of 3.  I think I manage 2 quite well and worry that 3 will be a challenge.  

I watch some amazing women on youtube who are mom's of more than 3 and they are my heroes.  In the coming weeks, I will be looking to them for motivation and inspiration.  My fear is that there won't be enough of "mommy" to go around.  This fear is something I can't seem to control but I'm working on it.

Symptom wise everything has mostly stayed the same.  My heartburn and acid reflux are still going strong.  I have continued to treat it with Zantac and Tums Smoothies.  I have been on the hunt for the Alkazelter Chews but I haven't been able to find them yet.  My restless legs are still driving me nuts and have been starting every night at around 6:30.  That makes it impossible for me to go to bed prior to them becoming restless.  I'm going to talk to my doctor about any treatment options at my appointment later this week.  

New symptom, I have a rash.  I have a rash on my chest and just at the top of my tummy.  It itches and it's pretty uncomfortable.  It looks similar to my youngest son's eczema rash but I'll have to show the doctor this week.  After my regular body wash stung my skin in the shower, I am switching to Aveeno for now.  

I haven't gained any more weight this week.  So I am still at a total weight gain of 10 pounds.  I am still craving fruit, but lately I have started to want chocolate.  Unfortunately, that gives me heart burn, which you think would deter me but it doesn't.  I still eat it.  I tell myself baby wants it!

The baby has started moving around so much more! Amazing!!

Here is my weekly video:

Thanks for checking in with me this week!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Boba Family: Boba Carrier 3G Review and Giveaway

Images courtesy of Boba Family.

*Disclaimer:  I did receive a Boba Family Baby Carrier  for purposes of this review.  I did not receive any monetary compensation.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.  My loyalty is to my readers and always will be. 

I have long understood the importance of baby wearing.  With my first son, I did it purely for bonding, and that on it's own was an amazing experience.  When my second son came along, he had collic.  It was suggested to me by his pediatrician that wearing him in a baby carrier or wrap would help to soothe him and keep him calm.  Since I would have tried anything, I started the journey of baby wearing and I was amazing.  I would wear him around the house and suddenly I was able to get dishes, laundry, and vacuuming done.  When I started wearing him out in public, I was able to take my time shopping and get more things accomplished.  He was relaxed and in what I called "his happy place"

I recently received the Boba Carrier 3G and think it's amazing.  

My thoughts:
It was really hard for me to choose a color because Boba Family had so many great color choices.  But I ultimately went with the Glacier.  I like the fact that it was gender neutral and that my husband would enjoy the color as well.  He doesn't particularly like to wear patterns.  

(Glacier shown below, image coursety of Boba Family)

The Boba 3G Carrier fit like a dream.  It was so easy to strap on and get my 11 month old into.  He enjoyed sitting so close and loved the effortless piggy back ride.  I was extremely comfortable using the Boba 3G to carry Declan around.  I have tried other carriers in the past that felt awkward and lacked support. This was a pleasure to  use for both me and my little man.  The padded straps fit my shoulders perfectly and didn't dig into my skin. 

I found that adjusting the straps was extremely easy, which was a huge bonus considering my husband and I will switch back and forth.   The rear clip is military grade, so I know it was going to keep my little man safe.  This will fit moms and dads from 5'0 to 6'3.  I'm 5'1 and it fits great.  

The Boba 3G is all about accommodating a toddler but I should mention that it will also accommodate a newborn without an insert.  There is a detachable hood, which I haven't used yet but it will come in handy when I'm nursing and on the go.  

The carrier does have 3 pockets but they are a bit small.  But you can fit a debit or credit card and a small set of keys.  The pockets aren't perfect but they work.  It also comes with detachable foot straps but my son's legs don't fit into them just yet.  

Overall, I have loved the Boba Carrier 3G and recommend it to other parents looking for a soft carrier for their baby or toddler.  

I have to apologize for the lack of personal photos, but I am currently 6 months pregnant.  I will be doing a future post with new baby on baby wearing.  

Where to purchase:

Enter for your chance to win a Boba Baby Carrier, a Boba Wrap or a Boba Air! All products can be seen at With Boba products it is easier than ever to enjoy Freedom Together as a family and Boba wants YOU to get a chance to use their products. To enter to win, “Like” them on Facebook ( and follow them on Twitter (

a Rafflecopter giveaway